Thursday, July 19, 2012

On The Soul Level

Photo courtesy of Jueli Garfinkle

I asked you to come so that I may change
You came with gifts full of life
But I saw them as serpents and jagged-edged stones

On the soul level
I asked you for lessons in forgiveness
You came bearing betrayal
Until I learned to forgive and not recall the injury
Putting all trust in the Divine Process

On the soul level
I asked for lessons in gratitude
And you gave me a shack to live in
And we stayed there until I learned to be grateful

When I asked you, on the soul level
To teach me humility
One day you brought home flowers and a bottle of blackberry merlot
Another day you took me to a free jazz concert in the park
From these kind acts I learn to appreciate the little and free things

On the soul level
I asked you to teach me love
And you left me alone in the nights
Mesmerized in the pain of loneliness until
I lit a candle
Chanted OM mantras
And prayed out loud
Until my loneliness became a mystical retreat
And I found myself in love with me

On the soul level
I witnessed your inner beauty and reveled in your godly strength
As I knew that spirit lived in you
Teaching me that I am that I am

On the soul level
I asked you to help me find my strength
That I had lost in my own perceptions
And you threw stones in my path
So that I may fall in order to learn to rise again
Stronger each time by the Grace of God
When I asked you

On the soul level
To show me the way home
You gave me a golden key that opened my heart
And there I found the Christ in me
With eyes like yours
Waiting for me

Nazeelah Noorjahan

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