Monday, June 24, 2013

The New Reality and the Certainty of God

The New Reality and Certainty of God

For eons humanity have been journeying through an intense transformation.  There are so many levels to this work that we wouldn’t understand it even if we knew intellectually the processes of how life evolve and how evolution assist the sons and daughters of God in renewing their being.  Humans have believed for so long that their humanity is all there is and it has and is a difficult concept to relinquish.  You are more than a human.  You are souls that are growing, evolving and creating a whole new way of being.  Now the task at hand consists of integrating humanity with the cosmic principles that govern the universe.
Everyone will not be willing to endure the processes that are involved when transforming the mind by emptying oneself and allowing truth to come to you by nonresistance.  Nonresistance is surrendering to the plans God Himself has endowed your soul with.  Everyone has the opportunity to develop the capacity to love.  Yes, it is that simple but yet the hardest thing a human being can do is truly love without resistance.  Difficult, but not impossible at all.  The task would not be offered if it was impossible.  Love is the healing force that move mountains.  Love has been so difficult for humans because of the presence of fear.  Fear blocks the flow of love as a polar effect.  Polar effects have a yin yang connotations, which means that polarity has two aspects that oppose each other.  The world of humanity is anchored in polarity.  There is an opposite to everything that exists in the world because it reflects two opposites.  In other words, whatever exists creates a mirror of itself.  This is a difficult reality for the human ego to accept.  You have to remember that everything humanity has experienced as a whole and as cultures and subcultures were all based on illusion.  Illusions are beliefs upheld by faith in them. 
Humanity has gathered many beliefs and traditions that opposes love, joy and peace.  Yet, a new day has dawned.  A new reality is sweeping the earth and it is rooted in love.  Love Move Mountains.  The meek shall inherit the earth because the meek have found their power in love and the power of love will take over the earth as promised.  So, what now?  Can anyone hide from love or usurp its throne?  Surprisingly many believe that it is possible.  When you begin to honestly look at what you believe, you will see that you do believe this.  Who is the you that believes this?  The soul knows better but do you?
Everything that is experienced in the world has a perfect reflection in the Real World.  This is why total surrender must be undergone.  Humans do not understand spiritual things but the soul understands and surrenders to its Source for its power, strength and freedom.  Many still want to hold on to bits and pieces of the old world that has already passed away.  It seems to still be there because what you believe you will experience as your reality.  There is a choice everyone will make between the old world of belief and the new world of certainty.  There is not one thing certain in the world because certainty is of God.  Love is certain.  Harmony, peace, tranquility and brotherhood are attributes of love’s power.  When you find God in another you are certain that love is not only possible but it is attainable to you.  When you desire love, truly desire love, love will come rushing to you and save you from your self-made prison. 
You are a Child of Love (GOD), how can you be imprisoned?  You believe you are whenever you have a bad day, believe that you need something that you don’t have or you believe that someone has wronged you in some way.  These are all disbeliefs in love.  They are fear idols stealing away your capacity for faith in the certainty of God.  Faith in God’s certainty opens the door to love because His Certainty will give you a new vision, Christ’s Vision.  You will begin to see the world through the eyes of love and your world will transform.  You are your world.  When your world transforms it is a reflection of your own healing and transformation.
You are not what tradition taught you that you are.  You are not what your cultures and subcultures has taught you that you are.  Your soul is a divine glorious illuminating spark of God.  You never left the Garden of Eden, you just believed you did.  Like when you have a bad dream and you awaken feeling strongly that it was real but knowing that it was just a dream.  You feel like God left you and kicked you out of the Home He gave you but you only dreamt it.  It never happened.  It just feels like it happened.
It takes great effort to love in a loveless world.  It is not the journey for the faint at heart.  So seek truth actively, pray often, question God, look within and find the love of God in you.  It is there waiting for your acceptance so it can give you everything.  There is nothing in the world that you truly want, you just believe you want it because you haven’t accepted the certainty of God.  You doubt.  You swing from pole to pole in a world built on polarity, opposing each other, which creates disillusions and conflict in the mind.  The world reflects the beliefs of the mind.  If your world is not a harmonious peaceful place, you are believing something about yourself that is not your true reality.  You don’t have to continue to believe the lies of ‘Satan’.  It is your choice.  Those who are certain of God’s Love live in peace.  They take gratitude in the little things like birds flying in the sky, the sun setting or a running brook.  They understand that everything truly is in divine order and they are part of that order, which is governed by the laws of the universe.  The laws of the universe is constant and never changes.  When you live life in fear or less than love, you go against the laws and are faced with the consequences of not being aligned with truth/God.  When out of alignment with truth/God your world will reflect the disharmony.  Divine love is governed by Divine law.  If you are not in communion with Divine love you are going against the law of Truth because love is the Law. 
Dr. Brenda Tippett

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